Feel the heat with Burning Man

Located in the Nevada Desert, Burning Man is a gathering of tens of thousands of artists, creators, and various independent individuals with the goal of creating a temporary metropolis of freedom and decomodification. They operate under the 10 Principles, which can be found here, but the shortened version is that they are self-reliant and all-lusive, with a focus on gifting, self-expression, civic responsibility and a respect to the environment.

Creating an itinerary for a festival of this nature is tricky, as the reliance of bartering means there is no use for currency here. Likewise, the ever-changing nature of the art presented during Burning Man means we cannot provide a set list of things to look out for. Instead, we have outlined a list of things to bring with you in order to best prepare you for this event


This is perhaps the single most important thing to bring. Since you are in the desert, the heat will be beating down on you. Bring PLENTY of water to keep yourself hydrated, and bring a lot extra as this can prove useful for bartering


Having access to food makes it so you do not have to rely on others to keep you alive. If you are skilled at cooking, this can also be an excellent way to give to the community, and you can serve the public in exchange for other things you want/need.


Heat stroke is a nasty thing to suffer through, so make sure you have a way to escape the sun. This can take on many different forms:
  • An umbrella
  • A canopy
  • An RV / tent / other form of shelter
The bigger your shade, the better. This also has the benefit of offering a reprise from the heat for those foolish enough to leave theirs at home.

Bartering Tools

Being able to barter in Burning Man is vital to your enjoyment. We've outlined certain things in which you can barter with like food or water, but having additional tools to barter with will go far. This can be anything from homemade jewelery to unique experiences
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